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Prezentacje biznesowe - warsztaty

Zapraszamy na warsztaty z tworzenia prezentacji biznesowych.

Warsztaty poprowadzą specjaliści: Magdalena Obarska, lektor języka angielskiego z doświadczeniem pracy z ludźmi, związany ze szkołą i filozofią nauki języka Talkersi.pl oraz Maria Brzeska-Deli, ekspert PR i budowania wizerunku.

"Time for a nap!" That's probably your and your colleagues first thought while thinking about yet another boring business presentation. Come to our training and learn how to present a business presentation without making everyone in the room yawn. During our meeting we will present you (hopefully without making you go through your Instagram feed for the 100th time!) how to make a proper business presentation and how to present it. You'll get to know how to overcome stress and prepare yourself for presenting in 5 minutes. We will show you why it's so important to learn and speak business English and how to do it efficiently. Lastly, you will present your own work with our help - we will go through your presentation and do everything to make it as interesting as TED talk.

Masz pytania? Chętnie na nie odpowiemy!
e-mail: kontakt@delipp.pl
tel. 605 669 116

Informacja o biletach

  • Bilet normalny
    499 zł
  • Przedsprzedaż
    399 zł


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