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Ciklum Gdańsk .Net Meet-up z LanguageWire!

Mamy dla Was dobre wieści! Ciklum z przyjemnością zaprasza na następne spotkanie, podczas którego podzielimy się wiedzą IT - Net Meet-up z LanguageWire. Spotkanie odbędzie się w poniedziałek, 28 czerwca o godzinie 18:30 w biurze gdańskiego oddziału firmy w Tryton Business House, Budynek B, 8 piętro na Jana z Kolna 11.

Nie przegapcie okazji, aby spotkać wspaniałych specjalistów i dowiedzieć się od nich czegoś nowego o .Net przy pizzy i piwie! Udział jest bezpłatny, ale prosimy o rejestracje wstępną https://goo.gl/WT5h3r

Wszystkie prezentacje będą prowadzone w języku angielskim.

W programie:

• Anders Bondorf: "Developing a robust, responsive, scalable integration API solution". Providing a Web service API as a service provider is one thing. Providing a robust, responsive, scalable API is an entirely different thing! Some keywords: client library, asynchronous communication using "async" and "await", events and scheduled background tasks, controlled polling.

About Anders: did functional programming back in his university days. Since then, he was a developer for many years, primarily developing in C++ and Java, and today he works as Technology Director at LanguageWire.

• Pawel Ogrodowczyk: "Beyond SOLID - the lesser-known patterns, principles and paradigms of good software design". Paweł will talk about some of the not-so-popular principles that, in his (heavily biased) opinion, lead to creating better software.

About Pawel: has been a software developer for several years. He has worked for companies big and small, produced software that was sometimes crappy and sometimes excellent, and has even been part of a startup that failed. Now, he's the team lead of LanguageWire Lab Gdańsk, and he still claims he knows what he's doing.

• Søren Bech Hansen: "On the soft side: What do Managers think when looking for new Software Developers". Søren will give his insight on what are managers think when looking for software developers. First the candidates are technically screened, making sure they have the hard skills needed for the job in question. But then what!? Which particular hidden questions might employers need answered during an interview, after the candidates have been technically screened. A focus on people profiles and team dynamics based on Myers-Briggs.

About Søren: originally software developer at IBM, then international project manager in three different countries. Since 2001 people having management responsibility, has done more than 100 hirings. Nowadays employed at LanguageWire.

Wstęp darmowy po uprzedniej rezerwacji, więc nie zwlekajcie z zapisami https://goo.gl/WT5h3r - liczba miejsc jest ograniczona!



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